Saturday, 17 March 2018

Wightwick Foxgloves

Popped in to see my mum in Wightwick on Wednesday. She encouraged us to take a few of the foxgloves plants that are overwhelming her herbaceous border.
These are apparently the classic purple variety, which will go nicely with the white ones on the other side of the path.


Geoff Hamilton was not only a respected gardener and broadcaster but also a clever designer of simple, practical woodwork projects. His 1995 book "Cottage Gardens" contains instructions for several, including a bench, herb table, auricular theatre, planter, cold frame, compost container, and an obelisk. The latter is just what we need for growing sweet peas up!

The timer cost about £12. The decorative piece on top is a cistern ball. Geoff Hamilton would have found and recycled an old one but Wilko sell them for £1 so it hardly seemed worth troubling Beeston FREE-Recycle.

Bog garden

We'll want more bog plants than the pond margin can accommodate, so adding a small adjacent bog garden.

Many differing recommendations on depth. We went for 2 feet.

Don't want it to get waterlogged so the liner is punctured.
A layer of gravel helps stop the holes getting clogged up.